Graves County Public Library
The firm was approached by the Graves County Public Library with multiple problems- 1) lack of space, 2) a continuously leaking roof, and 3) a need for multiple dedicated spaces for events and groups. The library had suffered with a twenty-two year roof leak that was threatening the building and its contents. Lack of space and the absence of dedicated sections for independent study, the children's library, and the genealogy division contributed to the frustration of running the facility efficiently. The library was convinced that an addition to the structure and some attention to the roof would solve its pressing problems.
After assessing the needs of the library and addressing the roof issue, the firm was able to efficiently re-design the building interior to completely eliminate the need for expansion. The work was completed in two projects- the first was the replacement of the aging roof, the second was a total internal renovation that allowed the Library to more fully utilize current space to fully meet its needs. The work was completed for a fraction of the original expansion budget. The library was relocated in a commercial space while renovation was completed.